Tai Chi Academy Online

Tai Chi or Taijiquan as it is traditionally known is the best possible example of what my Nourishing Moves training philosophy is built upon. Tai Chi builds strength and flexibility, while cultivating a natural balance within the body-mind. With continued practice Tai Chi can improve quality of life, longevity and the ability to defend oneself. The principles from which the Tai Chi body mechanics are built on offer an endless possibility to develop skill to deeper and deeper levels.

My Nourishing Moves Tai Chi Academy is located within the Bournemouth and New Forest area. However, to reach a wider audience I have uploaded beginner level lessons for those who wish to start learning this traditional martial art and health cultivation system from their home.

Click here to find out more about Chen Family Tai Chi

Click here to find out more about my teacher and personal Tai Chi journey

Lesson 1

The first lesson lays out my basic template for teaching traditional Tai Chi.

We start by warming up the body and practicing the idea of “Fangsong” (letting oneself relax and loosen up) with gentle mobility exercises.

We then move into Zhan Zhuang (stand like tree) to begin training the basic Tai Chi body structure while building energy and relaxing the body-mind.

Next, we progress into Chan Ssu Gong (silk reeling) basic exercises to begin developing whole body connection and movement within the Tai Chi body structure.

Lesson 2

In lesson 2 we continue with the format of lesson 1 with some variations on the exercises.

Lesson 3

In lesson 3 we begin to focus a little more on one of the more challenging silk reeling patterns.